How We Support CCP

NADF provides support to communities throughout the CCP process, from getting started to putting together the final CCP document and putting the plan to work.

We work on a by-request basis with communities to provide community- level support, including:

  • Help designing the planning process and other technical planning support
  • Funding proposal development
  • Mentorship for CCP coordinators
  • Research and analysis services
  • Assistance with facilitating community engagement
  • Connecting First Nations with funding and other resources

NADF also provides:

  • Workshops and Trainings, including an Annual CCP Workshop, training sessions on specific topics, Nation-to-Nation collaboration and mentorship, and other capacity-building opportunities.
  • Tools and Templates for every stage of the process, including the CCP Toolkit, which communities can use as they undertake their CCP process.
  • The CCP Ontario website, which includes all of our tools and resources, a CCP blog, searchable funding database, and a discussion forum for community coordinators to connect with each other:

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