What is CCP?

Comprehensive Community Planning (CCP) is a process that i nvolves the entire community in imagining a better future and creating a plan for how to get there. It is a plan built for the community, by the community.

CCPs are holistic: They look at all areas and parts of the community including the environment, the economy, the land and people, culture and language, programs, housing, buildings and roads, etc.

CCPs are action-focused: They recommend priority actions for making things better for everyone. The final Plan has clear projects, policies and programs to get started on, driven by the community members’ input.

CCPs are inclusive: They are created by the entire community and often help to repair relationships, build community, and rebuild trust. Much of the effort of creating a CCP goes into encouraging all members to get involved and work together. Everyone’s voice matters!

There are five phases to the CCP process, each of which answers a question to build the Plan:

  • Phase 1: Where have we been?
  • Phase 2: Where are we now?
  • Phase 3: Where do we want to go?
  • Phase 4: How will we get there?
  • Phase 5: Have we arrived?

Think of CCP as the bundle that holds other plans and community processes. Through working together and deciding what is important, the community determines what that bundle looks like, and what goes into it. Ultimately, the community holds the bundle!

While the outcome of a CCP is a clear vision and plan of action to guide leaders and decision- makers, other benefits of the process include:

  • improved trust between members and Council
  • greater ability to work together and accomplish things
  • a better understanding of community values, priorities, and shared identity, and
  • a stronger sense of community ownership, responsibility, and authority in planning processes.

 NADF can provide CCP support through:

  • Research and analysis
  • Facilitation and community visits
  • Sharing CCP tools, templates, and examples
  • Providing 1:1 mentorship for community coordinators
  • Meeting with staff and leadership to build an understanding of CCP
  • Mapping out the process and troubleshooting along the way
  • Supporting the creation of the final CCP document
  • CCP Trainings and Workshops for Coordinators
  • Connecting communities with funders
  • The NADF CCP Toolkit, website, and other resources